The ways in which academic and scientific research can be shared have multiplied significantly over recent decades. Scholars still write traditional articles for publication in academic and scientific journals of course, and some of them still dedicate years to pursuing in-depth studies for publication in lengthy monographs, but there are many other venues for presenting advanced research in today’s intellectual climate.

Our English proofreading team is happy to work on any kind of academic document that you may be writing, from grant applications to research articles and from proposals to lengthy conference proceedings. For more information on the many kinds of documents we proofread and edit, please see our web pages on the following services:

Research Paper Editing
Research papers vary in content and are written for a wide variety of reasons and purposes, but in every case the writing must be clear and correct to communicate the author’s ideas and intentions effectively to the anticipated audience. Whether research papers are prepared for publication or sharing, they generally need to be organised and formatted according to specific guidelines that must be observed with precision and consistency. has an enthusiastic team of research paper proofreaders and English proofreaders who will be happy to check your grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting to help you achieve through your writing the success you desire. If you are seeking assistance of this kind, please visit our detailed research paper editing and proofreading page.

Manuscript Editing
Virtually all academics, scientists and business professionals produce manuscripts as part of their daily activities, and the manuscript proofreading services provided by can help them polish and perfect each and every text they write. Our manuscript editing and proofreading team will be delighted to read your manuscript with the utmost attention to detail. We will check and correct your grammar, spelling and punctuation as well as the formatting and references of your document, enabling your English writing to shine while achieving everything you expect of it.

Book Proofreading Services
Writing and publishing an academic or scientific book amounts to a lengthy and demanding process in which success depends not only on sound research and groundbreaking discoveries, but also on accurate and thorough data and references, effective and consistent formatting and correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. If such necessary aspects of clear scholarly communication are not observed or a publisher’s stylistic requirements are not met, an editor may reject a book or accept it only after extensive changes have been made. The professional book proofreaders at can help you ensure publication success by resolving language problems, adjusting formatting and references and correcting typing and other errors in your book manuscript. For more information, please visit our page dedicated to book editing and English proofreading services.

Report Editing
Writing reports (Academic, Scientific, Business, Financial, Technical & Medical) is an essential aspect of the work done by many students, scholars, researchers, practitioners, instructors, technicians and business professionals. Excellent and informative reports can help these individuals earn degrees, employment, funding, research opportunities, promotions, customers, credibility and career advancement. Reports are rarely easy to write, however, and producing a high-quality report full of detailed and sophisticated material for readers who do not share the author’s perspective or specialisation can prove especially challenging. The report proofreaders provided by have the expertise and training to help you make your reports the professional vehicles of vital information that will achieve all you expect of them.

Grant Application Editing
Grant applications can be especially challenging to complete for a number of reasons. Not least among these is the necessity of effectively communicating the details of your project to the mixed audience of both specialists and nonspecialists who usually evaluate applications. The description of your plans must be absolutely clear and correct, avoiding errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar while meeting all requirements regarding length, formatting and contents. Fortunately, the grant proofreaders and proofreaders available through are experts in the English language who are also familiar with applications of all kinds and they would be delighted to help you polish your application for success.

Conference Paper Editing
Presenting papers at conferences is a vital part of a scholarly career, and revised versions of many conference papers are eventually published in conference proceedings or in academic or scientific journals. For both presentation and publication, the language used in conference papers must be clear and correct, without errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation, so that the highest standards of scholarship and formal communication are maintained. For publication, all requirements set by the volume’s editor(s) or publisher must be met as well, and formal notes, citations and references must be added. The services of a professional English proofreader will therefore prove invaluable as you polish your conference paper for presentation or publication. To learn more please visit our conference paper editing and English proofreading page.