When your work is ready for dissertation proofreading, please rename your document if possible as follows: First-name_Last-name_today’s-date. For instance, if your first name is Andre, your last name is Carpenter and today’s date is 2 July 2014, the name of your file would be Andre_Carpenter_02072014.

If you send more than one file to us on the same day please name the second file Andre_Carpenter_02072014_2, the third file Andre_Carpenter_02072014_3 and so on.

Please send us your dissertation or thesis via our dropbox at https://easy.filemail.com/ or send that file to [email protected] and complete the following details:
Send a Document (filemail.com)
Your name:
Your university or institution:
Address details:
Academic field of your dissertation or thesis:
Your deadline:
Style guide:
Particular comments:

The format should be either British or American English. The style guide could be Harvard referencing, Chicago referencing, APA style, weblink to Instructions for authors of theses and dissertations  etc. If no style guide is supplied we correct references to the style that is prevalent in your dissertation or thesis to ensure continuity.

Please note the deadline should be the time and date you need your dissertation or thesis in your e-mail inbox. The deadline should ideally allow you plenty of time before the due date for submission to respond to any suggestions and recommendations made by the dissertation proofreader (this often involves the need to add or complete bibliographical references), as well as to print and bind the document.

As soon as Proof-Reading-Service.com receives your dissertation or thesis, we will carry out a word count in Microsoft Word (Tools → Word count…). The indicated word count will be multiplied by the rate that applies to you.

After we have carried out the word count and the calculation we will send you an e-mail confirming the price, deadline, format and style guide. Even if heavy editing is required and we have to spend more time on your dissertation or thesis than we anticipated we guarantee that the calculated price will not go up.

Your dissertation or thesis is proofread using the ‘track changes’ function of Microsoft Word. This is a standard function installed in most versions of Microsoft Word. This function allows you to move easily between changes and accept any or all of the modifications proposed by the dissertation proofreader. Corrections, suggestions and comments are shown in the right-hand margin and are easy to accept into your document.

When we have finished proofreading of your dissertation or thesis we will return two files to you: a tracked version and a clean version of your proofread document. The tracked version is named yourfilename_tracked_version and the clean version is named yourfilename_clean_version. Using our previous example these would be: Andre_Carpenter_02072014_tracked_version and Andre_Carpenter_02072014_clean_version. The advantage of this method is that in the tracked version of your dissertation or thesis you can easily move between the changes the dissertation proofreader has made. The clean version is ready to print out and you do not have to type in all the changes yourself. Corrections, suggestions and comments are shown in the right-hand margin of the tracked version. Click on the appropriate file below to see the difference: Andre_Carpenter_02072014_tracked_version or Andre_Carpenter_02072014_clean_version.