Importance of Editing - Why English Editing is Important
Many authors fail to understand the importance of taking the time for English Editing of their academic writing before they share it with readers. Even the simplest prose is much improved when its author reads it critically, reflects on how effectively it communicates what he or she intended, and then revises to correct errors and improve clarity and eloquence. With scholarly prose, which usually exists to present complicated information and therefore tends to become somewhat convoluted at times, this process is even more essential. ‘Why English editing is important?’ is not a question an accomplished academic or scientist asks as a draft is completed. ‘When will I find the time for English editing of my academic writing?’ is far more common, and that time can be notoriously difficult to locate, but can help. A member of our professional academic and scientific team would be delighted to offer our English editing services for your academic writing. Learn more about how to submit your document for our English proofreading services.
Before we tell you exactly what we do when we offer English editing for our clients, a few persuasive reasons Why English editing is important may prove inspiring.
• For one, accuracy and clarity are vital when communicating academic and scientific research in writing. Errors and ambiguities in language can confuse or even mislead readers, an unfortunate situation that tends to compromise opportunities for publication as well as careers. Accuracy and clarity are more effectively assessed when returning to a text as its critical reader than when drafting it as its author.
• References are often dreaded by scholarly authors, but precision, thoroughness and consistency are necessary in order to provide readers with accurate and adequate information about the sources consulted during a research project. These qualities are also required to follow guidelines and acknowledge the authors and researchers whose work has been cited. Yet errors creep with frustrating frequency and virtual invisibility into source documentation, and such errors can misrepresent a scholar’s work and that of his or her predecessors. In the worst of scenarios, an intellectual slight or accusation of plagiarism may be the result, so references of all kinds should always be English edited and corrected with great care.
• Formatting is an essential aspect of communicating detailed information with absolute precision, which is no doubt why the author instructions of so many scholarly journals and publishers are so very particular about the formatting of almost every aspect of academic and scientific documents, from the levels of heading used to organise a paper to the kinds of lines allowed in its tables. This vital element of scholarly writing is most effectively addressed when a paper is English edited with a critical eye alert to every detail.
At we understand well the importance of dedicating the most exacting attention to these and other aspects of academic and scientific documents. When English editing an author’s writing we check and correct grammar, spelling and punctuation and also suggest improvements to text that may be awkward or ambiguous but not strictly incorrect. We consult whatever guidelines a client is following and ensure that they are observed throughout each document with precision and consistency, indicating when further information may be required or an entirely different format might be necessary. English editing also catches content errors , and we always take a close look at the effectiveness of tables, figures, footnotes and appendices.
If you are busy writing an academic or scientific document, we would be delighted to offer our English proofreading services for you. Our team consists of highly educated native speakers of the English language who are familiar with the conventions and standards of scholarly writing in their respective fields and carefully trained in the intricacies of editorial practices. They understand what our learned clients are trying to say and know exactly how to help them say it in a clear, professional and sophisticated manner. We look forward to working with you.