10 PRS Proofreading and Editing Service PhD Experts • All Academic Areas • Fast Turnaround • High Quality • Do I make the limitations of the study clear? • If I use conjecture or generalisation, have I qualified it adequately for the reader? The aim of these and many other questions that might be asked about a scholarly argument is to achieve a high quality of both thought and communication. If you haven’t accurately assessed your work, reflected at length upon its implications and come to valid conclusions, then you will find it extremely difficult to devise a cogent and valuable argument about that work and communicate it to your readers. Even when a sound argument has been formed in the mind, it can be extremely difficult to present it effectively in prose: juggling the ongoing progress of an argument with citations from earlier studies and the usually complicated results of your own work is never easy, especially when the word limitations set by most journals come into play. In my experience, the best policy is to plan on writing whatever is needed to explain everything you want to say thoroughly, and then edit and, if need be, shorten it after it’s been drafted. Editing is, after all, a necessary and oft- repeated aspect of any accomplished piece of writing, and shortening your paper is best done once you have a clear idea of where you’ll be submitting it and the requirements regarding structure and length with which you’ll be working. Ideally, you’ll also be able to benefit from the criticism of a colleague in your field of study who is willing to read your work and offer advice. Constructive criticism is useful no matter how frequently an author has produced and successfully published writing in the past, but if you’re a graduate student just beginning to publish your work, it’s absolutely crucial. Much can be learned by reading published articles, and every scientist or academic aims to achieve the highest scholarly standards in his or her writing, but PARt I: wHAt to PUBlIsH And wHeRe to PUBlIsH It