9 PRS Proofreading and Editing Service PhD Experts • All Academic Areas • Fast Turnaround • High Quality understand your study and its importance, and to show that you are well aware of all the sources and approaches with which you should be familiar to conduct the study successfully. Next, you should explain how you’ve approached the problem by describing and justifying your methodology (as discussed in Section 1.1 above), and then report the evidence you’ve discovered through that methodology (as discussed in Section 1.2 above). The more creative part of the argument usually comes in the discussion of that evidence and the conclusions you draw from it: here, you can basically do what you will with your research so long as you maintain logical argumentation, keep your conclusions reasonable in relation to your methods and results, and, as always, carefully explain your thinking, especially where it may differ significantly from previous scholarship in the area, because what may seem obvious to you, steeped in your own research as you are, may not seem obvious at all to your readers. This process is far more easily described than done, of course, and there is a fine line between underwriting and overwriting when working to explain one’s thought processes – another example of how academic and scientific authors must balance on that textual tightrope – but there are a number of simple questions that can be asked to facilitate effective argumentation, such as: • Have I explained my thinking clearly and thoroughly enough for readers to understand? • Is the terminology I’m using effective and precise for expressing my thoughts? • Have I valued my research and its implications fairly? • Does the evidence I report support my conclusions? • Have I considered all the conclusions that might follow from the evidence? PARt I: wHAt to PUBlIsH And wHeRe to PUBlIsH It