6 PRS Proofreading and Editing Service PhD Experts • All Academic Areas • Fast Turnaround • High Quality reporting results, they are rarely as effective as clear, simply structured sentences that outline with exact nouns and verbs precisely what has been discovered or determined (on the use of pronouns and precise language, see Sections 4.4.1 & 4.4.3). If you are a virtuoso of scholarly English prose, by all means flaunt your style when reporting the results and discoveries of your research: a clear and eloquently written Results section is a rare and admirable accomplishment in any academic or scientific paper and should definitely be a goal for those who wish to make a career of writing scholarly prose. Do remember, however, when planning how you will present evidence in your paper that the skill needed to achieve this sort of eloquence is most often acquired through years of practice and experience, and the first goal of any researcher attempting to share his or her results is clear communication. A long, beautifully constructed sentence with clever turns of phrases and five parenthetical clauses may roll pleasingly off the tongue (or not), but it may also confuse readers who simply aren’t as familiar with your results as you are, particularly if precise, detailed description is compromised for the sake of style. So three shorter sentences, for instance, no matter how simply structured or seemingly dull, may prove far more successful for factually laying out the exact nature of your evidence and results in a way that can be readily understood by your readers. That evidence is usually complicated enough on its own, so trying to keep the ways in which you report it as simple as possible can be most beneficial for both your paper and your readers. Often tables, graphs and illustrations can be immensely helpful in presenting complex evidence clearly and concisely in as little space as possible, so it’s a good idea to decide before drafting PARt I: wHAt to PUBlIsH And wHeRe to PUBlIsH It