125 PRS Proofreading and Editing Service PhD Experts • All Academic Areas • Fast Turnaround • High Quality APPendIx: sAmPle ResPonses to letteRs FRom AcAdemIc And scIentIFIc edItoRs • The numerical style of in-text referencing has been changed to author-date referencing in APA style. • The list of references has been arranged alphabetically by the last names of authors instead of numerically, and other changes to conform to APA style have been made to the references. • The article has been restructured to include separate Limitations and Conclusions sections. • All headings and subheadings have been adjusted to conform to the requirements indicated in the Journal of Changing Weather author guidelines, including the removal of numbers. • All nonstandard abbreviations and acronyms used in the paper have been defined on first use and used consistently thereafter. • Abbreviations used in each table have been defined in a note at the bottom of the table. • The vertical rules/lines have been removed from all three tables. • The tables are now attached as a separate file instead of embedded in the paper. I should mention, however, that Table 3 seems a little crowded without the vertical lines separating the information in the columns, and I’m concerned that the presentation may not be as clear as it was with the lines. I see that the guidelines indicate that tables should be on a vertical/portrait page, but I