115 PRS Proofreading and Editing Service PhD Experts • All Academic Areas • Fast Turnaround • High Quality 7.3.3 Content: Methods, Data and Argument This can be the most difficult of all kinds of criticism to deal with because it cuts at the heart of a paper. Language problems can contribute to problems with your methods, data and argument, and so can formatting, structural and referencing issues – it’s all one intricate weave, after all, just like that tightrope. In some instances, however, an editor (or reviewers) will detect more fundamental PARt III: commUnIcAtIng wItH JoURnAl edItoRs: sUBmIssIon, AccePtAnce, RevIsIon And ReJectIon PRS Tip: If you’re dealing with requested revisions to the formatting, structure, references and/or language of your paper, the proofreading team at PRS can help a great deal. Once you have your paper revised and your explanation of what you’ve done to meet the journal’s requirements composed, send us both documents along with links to the guidelines and we’ll proofread them carefully to ensure that your revisions clarify your writing and meet the requirements, and that your explanation of them accurately describes the changes you’ve made. You can use the track changes function in Word as you revise if you’d like to show your proofreader exactly what you’ve done, and if you’ve been unable to resolve any problems, you can highlight them in your paper with marginal comments so your proofreader will know to pay special attention to those areas or concerns. Sometimes clients even send along the version of the paper bearing the editor’s or reviewer’s comments, and that can be helpful for clarifying problems as well. After we’ve proofread your paper and accompanying documents, remember to request a certificate stating that your document has been proofread by PRS. This will further demonstrate to the editor the efforts you’ve made to improve your paper and meet the journal’s requirements.