93 PRS Proofreading and Editing Service PhD Experts • All Academic Areas • Fast Turnaround • High Quality working in the field and/or how your theories and results are groundbreaking or at least important to scholarly and other communities. You only have so much room, however, and this material will need to be concise as well as eloquent, so it’s important to be selective and lay particular emphasis on aspects of your work that will be of special interest to the journal, and thus to its editor. It’s also vital to get second opinions on your covering letter: when you’re trying to make a large impression with a small number of words, it’s easy even as a native speaker of a language to leave out essential details or generalise in inappropriate ways, so read and reread your letter yourself and then pass it along to colleagues, supervisors, fellow students, critical friends – anyone with knowledge in the area of your research or publication more generally who’s willing to share an opinion on style and content. Prioritise responses when editing and polishing, but consider them all seriously – after all, you can anticipate which responses might be shared by the editor you’re hoping to impress, but you simply can’t predict an editor’s thoughts with certainty, and any early hint of potential problems or misconceptions can be enormously helpful. PARt III: commUnIcAtIng wItH JoURnAl edItoRs: sUBmIssIon, AccePtAnce, RevIsIon And ReJectIon PRS Tip: Remember that the PRS team will always be delighted to proofread covering letters, book synopses (as well as the book itself), grant and thesis proposals, letters of recommendation, CVs and resumés, calls for papers, conference announcements and schedules, project summaries, publication lists, author biographies and any other kind of document, long or short, associated with academic or scientific research and publication.